Web3 generation social platform

We Build a Web3 Social Club

All users’ NFTs is verified, no more fraud
Social only for NFTs owners & show off
Easy to chat, get NFTs whitelist, club-hopping.

Good Morning My Web3 Friends

Only 3 Steps, GM to a Friend!
Verify & Scan User’s Web3 NFT Collection: You can use Metamask to login GMF, choose your favorite NFT as your web3 PFP(profile picture).
Fill in Web2 Profile Details: Fill in your interests, personal information, most importantly, your real life PFP.
Make Friends in Web3 World!: Swipe, and see if you have mutual NFT collections! Meet the coolest friend in Web3 world!

Support 8 NFT Collections

CryptoPunks|Bored Ape Yacht Club|CloneX|Moonbirds Meetbits|Mutant Ape Yacht Club|Azuki|PROOF Collective

:doodle { @grid: 10.5 / 100vmin; height: 100%; } @place-cell: center; width: @rand(40vmin, 80vmin); height: @rand(40vmin, 80vmin); transform: translate(@rand(-200%, 200%), @rand(-60%, 60%)) scale(@rand(.6, 1.2)) skew(@rand(45deg)); clip-path: ellipse(50% 35% at 50% 50%); background: @pick(#BF30D1, #69B7FF, #6430D1, #C9ED4C, #6DEFDE); opacity: @rand(.1, .2); position: relative; top: @rand(-80%, 80%); left: @rand(-80%, 80%); animation: colorChange @rand(6.1s, 16.1s) infinite @rand(-.5s, -2.5s) linear alternate; @keyframes colorChange { 100% { left: 0; top: 0; filter: hue-rotate(360deg); } }